If you’ve never had a hosting account or you’re switching companies and the new one employs an account administration console that you have not seen before, you may become baffled about how to execute a given task in your account or on your desktop PC. That’s why, a lot of companies have set up a knowledge base, which outlines the most frequent questions and difficulties pertaining to their platform, instead of including only some general information. This type of knowledge base will help you find the needed information quickly and effortlessly, so you won’t have to devote both time and energy to matters that might require something as simple as clicking on a button or checking off a tick box. Thus, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also get to know tons of new and beneficial details, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service works in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Web Hosting

If you get a shared web hosting account through us, you will obtain access to our in-depth online help documentation where you will find info on more or less everything connected to our hosting plans. The topics encompass anything from how to set up an email address on your mobile phone, to how to accomplish various things using an .htaccess configuration file. The articles themselves are written in a simple-to-grasp manner and offer in-depth instructions on how to accomplish a particular operation inside your Hepsia Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not associated directly with Hepsia, for example one that concerns web applications on your desktop computer. The entire archive of articles will be located in the Help section of the Control Panel, but the ones that are related to a certain section can be accessed on the spot. Given the fact that we have included as many topics as possible, you will be able to find out practically everything about your hosting account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated servers come with an elaborate online article repository where you can find any information that you might need about our web hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we use. We’ve compiled it on the basis of the feedback that we’ve acquired from our clients throughout the years and, hence, our articles deal with specific issues that you may encounter and include the most efficient way to recover them, for instance receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send e-mail messages from your PC although you have the correct SMTP server settings. The articles are available in every single Control Panel section and you can examine them at any given time. They can help you widen your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the web hosting service in general, as they offer in-depth instructions and general information such as what file permissions or cron jobs are.