Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers
All our VPS server solutions come with a guaranteed amount of RAM. In other words, even if you use only a fraction of the resources which your package features, we shall never allocate the free resources to another VPS account on the exact same physical server. Due to the fact that we create only several virtual servers on a physical one, the latter will have ample free memory to secure the correct operation of the VPS accounts even when their RAM allocation is upgraded greatly at some time. In case you also choose to upgrade your package or to keep the latest one and to incorporate only more memory, the new amount will also be reserved only for your account. In this way, we make certain that your websites will perform effectively all the time no matter what the other VPS accounts are using.
Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers
The amount of RAM that comes with each and every dedicated server which we supply is large enough even for very resource-demanding web apps. The memory shall be available for your websites and any software which you install on the web server at all times, so even if at some point you use a fraction of the resources that you have, we'll never alter the hardware configuration which you have ordered. All the parts are examined before the server is constructed, including the RAM sticks, to make sure that you will get a flawlessly working hosting server that can guarantee the best possible performance for your websites. The amount of physical memory which you have shall be listed with the full server configuration specifications within your billing Control Panel.